Chemical Burn craft pulverizing metal, packed with blistering riffs and hammering groove. This crushing brew of heaviness is captured with the Bay Area thrashers forthcoming album Raining Anvils, to be released on August 7 via MegaSonic.
Chemical Burn enlisted famed producer Juan Urteaga (Testament, Machine Head, Exodus) to oversee production of Raining Anvils at Oakland’s JingleTown Studios. “We poured all we had into making these songs just right,” declares Chemical Burn’s Mike Garnica (vocals/bass). “Every part was written with the intent to set the world on fire. Then we took them to Juan and he dumped jet fuel on them.”
Having cut his teeth as a tech for the likes of Laaz Rocket and Dragonlord, Garnica formed the current formation of Chemical Burn with Kevin Jackson, an acclaimed drummer who’s toured with Primer 55 and many others. Rounding out Chemical Burn is ninja shredder Raiden Ikeda. “Kev and I were instantly on the same page when it came to the writing process,” explains Garnica. “If a song doesn’t light us both up, we go back to the drawing board with it. Eventually a light bulb goes off and it all comes together in a way that stokes the hell out of us.”
Behind the band’s annihilating approach to metal is a message of finding strength amidst life’s obstacles. “It’s not necessarily just drugs and alcohol, but our day-to-day obsessions, relationships, the drama we get involved in and the emotions we feel from it,” explains Garnica. “A lot of the album is about a journey through a mentality that has gone from a rock bottom of sorts, to a rebirth and new course in life.”
"Groovy thrash that occasionally veers towards some metalcore-ish territory is what you’ll find on Chemical Burn’s Raining Anvils. Addictive, heavy, and chock full of monstrous riffing is probably an even better way to describe it."
— Kyle McGinn, Dead Rhetoric
"excellent effort that brings everything I love about straight up heavy metal. Nothing fancy or experimental, just some good old kicking ass and taking names."
— Bradley D, The Circle Pit
“Talk about an album that truly fits what we are all about here, this album is definitely loud and heavy!”
— Mark Keane, Loud And Heavy
“Every sweat and fiber from the band was poured into making this album the best they could and it shows. The level of quality within the context of clear-coating a machine that churns out some excellent songs is evident.”
— Andrew Duncan, Selective Memory Magazine
"Combining powerful grooves with tried-and-true metal riffs, the thrash trio are bringing you an album that easily eclipses their 2005 effort. For fans of Lamb of God and Max Cavalera‘s work in Sepultura and Cavalera Conspiracy, Chemical Burn are ready to bring down some hammers with their own brand of head-bobbingly solid metal."
— Kyle Gaddo, Heavy Blog Is Heavy
New Noise Magazine
premieres, "My Weakness" off of the new album, Raining Anvils.
Revolver Magazine
premieres, "I Rise, I Fly" off of the new album, Raining Anvils.
Metal Insider: Chemical Burn, "Rises to the occasion"
Noise Barrage
features Chemical Burn's, Raining Anvils
Friedhof Magazine - Spain
features Chemical Burns's, Raining Anvils