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Well this is without a doubt the worst feeling even though we didn't have a ton of followers. It was the 10+ years of Posting and Networking and making friends. We have been in a regroup mode for a while since the shows were stopped for 2 years of pandemic, and then a lot of craziness happened to members of the band to put a small HOLD on a lot of things. But as of right now, IG hacked and out of our control. Here's the most annoying part. INSTAGRAM does NOT respond or interact or help or Support the people who have been hacked. I had to find a video of people who found a way to get their profiles back but of course not only did it not work for me, but I am blocked from my OWN account for trying too many times! Meantime, nearly 900 people all got spammed with the SCAM BITCOIN ads. ALL in SECONDS. So I am watching the numbers drop. Note to self, Not only can you get hacked by clicking links from nefarious scum, but ALSO get hacked in seconds when you send a Screen Shot to them. It must all be automated because within seconds I was booted from my login and a notification came up for a flash, stating that a strange log in from ATLANTA and is that me. BEFORE I COULD say NO, it was all too late! I attempted to report hem and then IG came back saying that the Profile is not going against their standards, Completely ignoring the fact that I said I was Hacked and lost control of the account. SO they are leaving he profile active. IG started a new method of confirming accounts with a VIDEO SELFIE sent directly to IG. I finally managed to get to the option and completed the VIDEO Twice! Why TWICE? Because I DECLINED!! This is not a Face Rec App, these are actual team members, living humans that review these videos, and STILL I GOT DENIED! TWICE! How do you deny the person is a LOT of the posted pics?? The Battle stands at trying to get the original IG account back and then see what damage was done. Or start from scratch with the potential of MORE POSTS and NEW CONTENT and then of course reload a lot of the great memories. So BE WARNED, sorry for any inconveniences. We are NOT PUSHING BITCOIN!!!


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